左手 posted @ 2015年12月25日 19:01 in Vim with tags vim vim tfs tfs checkout , 6441 阅读


1. 添加NERDTree文件菜单
{'text': 'menu text', 'shortcut': 'short key', 'callback':'callback function name'}
call NERDTreeAddMenuItem({ 'text': 'TFS Check (o)ut', 'shortcut': 'o', callback': 'TFSCheckoutCallback' })

2. 获取当前文件节点
let currentNode = g:NERDTreeFileNode.GetSelected()

let currentFile = currentNode.path._strForGlob()

cal currentNode.path.refresh()
cal NERDTreeRender()
# 当我们通过currentNode.path.refresh() 可以刷新文件节点,之后通过NERDTreeRender重绘获得更新。当通过操作修改了文件的属性后需要通过此操作更新文件状态。

NERDTree FileNode参考:
NERDTree Pathp参考:
NERDTree Public API参考:

ICICI Lombard claim 说:
2022年7月31日 13:44

ICICI Lombard Health Insurance Claim Form, If you are already a part of their Health insurance scheme and might have taken hospitalization for your medical necessities or may if you are just considering this scheme for future health benefits. Then you should read our article below because we will instruct you on the steps of how you can claim your health insurance in the prescribed form, ICICI Lombard claim form we will simply be explaining to you the steps required to use the ICICI Lombard health insurance claim form at their partnered hospitals to avail the health benefits you have subscribed to, and if having any queries, you may contact health insurance customer care over phone for clarification

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