
左手 posted @ 2014年5月06日 20:19 in 积累点滴 with tags rails devise 登录超时 devise单用户登录 , 3728 阅读

编辑 # config.timeout_in = 30.minutes 这一行,修改为想要配置的时间

配置devise :database_authenticatable, :registerable,这一行,加上 :timeoutable

1) 在application_controller基类中定义after_sign_in_path_for方法在当中设置session对象

  def after_sign_in_path_for(resource)
    session[:current_sign_in_at] = current_user.current_sign_in_at

2) 定义has_signed取代:authenticate_user!判断用户登陆

  def has_signed
    unless user_signed_in?
      redirect_to root_path
      if session[:current_sign_in_at] == nil or session[:current_sign_in_at] < current_user.current_sign_in_at
        redirect_to destroy_user_session_path

3)在需要判断用户登陆的controller中添加before_action :has_signed过滤器。

BSNL Tune 说:
2022年8月08日 15:52

BSNL Personalized Ring Back Tone services, a mobile subscriber greet their callers with their favorite song as best choice, and this new My BSNL Tunes App service is an innovative service help the subscribers to express themselves, access information, entertainment and connect the other by greeting. BSNL Tune Most popular albums are vying for honor, but to find the best with codes or by names it is difficult, but now with this new launch of My BSNL Tunes App, each mobile user now have a chance to listen and activate their favorite songs of any language to set as BSNL caller tune on their mobiles.

Khajane 2 Challan Ge 说:
2023年1月23日 15:54

K2 challan also referred to as Khajane 2, an integrated financial management system from the Government of Karnataka. The K2 has been brought into working with an aim to manage the financial business of the government. Khajane 2 Challan Generation It works to simplify the process of remittance of departments under government by bringing an option of anywhere-anytime payment options. Firstly every department under the government of Karnataka will have access to Khajane 2 which allows their customers to remit to the government through the easy payment links provided.

PSEB 1st Class Text 说:
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