2013-05-27 上传到gitcafe上面拖管 https://gitcafe.com/lcc/somecode/tree/master/jsdraw
写了一段生成象素点来绘制5边形的代码。用到了 Bresenham斜线画法、三角函数等知识。代码如下:
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="zh-cn"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>JS绘制五边形</title> <style type="text/css"> .paper { width: 600px; height: 300px; border-color: #E0E0E0; border: 1px solid #DDD; position: relative; } .point { width: 1px; height: 1px; position: absolute; overflow: hidden; display: block; zoom: 1; } .red { background-color: red; } </style> <script type="text/javascript"> // 画斜线 function drawLine(point1, point2) { var point, pointElem, paper; pointElem = document.createElement('div'); if ('className' in pointElem) { pointElem.className = 'point red'; } else { pointElem.setAttribute('class', 'point red'); } paper = document.getElementById('paper'); var xLen = Math.abs(point2[0] - point1[0]); var yLen = Math.abs(point2[1] - point1[1]); var x, y, cx, cy, tox, toy, rate, rateVal, isAdd = true; // 从x轴遍历 if (xLen >= yLen) { if (point1[0] > point2[0]) { point1 = [point2, point2=point1][0]; } if (point1[1] > point2[1]) { isAdd = false; } x = cx = point1[0]; y = cy = point1[1]; tox = point2[0]; toy = point2[1]; rateVal = rate = parseInt( (yLen / xLen) * 1000) for (var i=x; i<tox; i++) { cx = i; point = pointElem.cloneNode(); paper.appendChild(point); point.style.left = cx + 'px'; point.style.top = cy + 'px'; rateVal += rate if (rateVal >= 1000) { cy += isAdd ? 1 : -1 rateVal -= 1000; } } } // 从y轴遍历 else { if (point1[1] > point2[1]) { point1 = [point2, point2=point1][0]; } if (point1[0] > point2[0]) { isAdd = false; } x = cx = point1[0]; y = cy = point1[1]; tox = point2[0]; toy = point2[1]; rateVal = rate = parseInt( (xLen / yLen) * 1000) for (var i=y; i<toy; i++) { cy = i; point = pointElem.cloneNode(); paper.appendChild(point); point.style.left = cx + 'px'; point.style.top = cy + 'px'; point = null rateVal += rate if (rateVal >= 1000) { cx += isAdd ? 1 : -1 rateVal -= 1000; } } } // 补点 if (cx != tox || cy != toy) { point = pointElem.cloneNode(); paper.appendChild(point); point.setAttribute('style', 'left:' + tox + 'px; top:' + toy + 'px'); point = null } pointElem = null; } // 获取点信息 function getPointInfo(R, dot) { var A = 360 / 5 var sinLen = Math.sin(A / 180 * Math.PI) * R var cosLen = Math.cos(A / 180 * Math.PI) * R sinLen = Math.round(sinLen) cosLen = Math.round(cosLen) var point1 = [dot[0], dot[1] - R] var point2 = [dot[0] + sinLen, dot[1]- cosLen] var point5 = [dot[0] - sinLen, dot[1] - cosLen] var A2 = (180 - A) / 2 sinLen = Math.sin(A2 / 180 * Math.PI) * R cosLen = Math.cos(A2 / 180 * Math.PI) * R sinLen = Math.round(sinLen) cosLen = Math.round(cosLen) var point3 = [dot[0] + cosLen, dot[1] + sinLen] var point4 = [dot[0] - cosLen, dot[1] + sinLen] return [point1, point2, point3, point4, point5]; } // 画点 function drawShape(type, R, dot) { var pointInfo = getPointInfo(R, dot) var point1 = pointInfo[0]; var point2 = pointInfo[1]; var point3 = pointInfo[2]; var point4 = pointInfo[3]; var point5 = pointInfo[4]; // 五边形 if (type == 1) { drawLine(point1, point2); drawLine(point2, point3); drawLine(point3, point4); drawLine(point4, point5); drawLine(point5, point1); } // 五角星 else if (type == 2){ drawLine(point1, point3); drawLine(point3, point5); drawLine(point5, point2); drawLine(point2, point4); drawLine(point1, point4); } } window.onload = function () { drawShape(1, 100, [150, 150]) drawShape(2, 100, [450, 150]) } </script> </head> <body> <div id="paper" class="paper"></div> </body> </html>
2023年2月16日 21:42
Matric Blueprint 2024 Every one of the students are right now sitting tight for the 11th test Model Paper to be Download. Underneath in this article, we have referenced the total Blueprint for the walk assessment. Matric Blueprint 2024 Students can download the Marking Scheme from the connection given on this page. According to Board 10th Blueprint 2024, the main test is English will happen on 2024. Board of Secondary Education is otherwise called The Educational board leads secondary school and transitional board tests each year.